Amiga Format CD 24
Amiga Format AFCD24 (Feb 1998, Issue 108).iso
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180 lines
;this is a hello world program written in microchip assembler,
;the string is transmitted serial to an terminal. the baudrate is
;determined by the value of "bitcntr", loaded with "delay"
;19200 at 4 MHz clock speed needs at all 52 cycles pro bit
;after sending all characters pic runs an endless loop, a reset is necessary
;to send string again. this reset is performed by a watchdog time out. the
;watchdogtimer is set to 2.3 seconds (128 * 18 ms)
;string lenght is defined by a zero byte at end of string
; http://linux.rz.fh-hannover.de/~duesterb/
list p=pic16c84, r=dec, s=off ;radix = decimal
;case sensitivity=off
clockspeed = 4000000 ;clockspeed is 4 Mhz
baudrate = 19200 ;enter baudrate here
delay = (clockspeed/4/baudrate-12)/4 ;value for baudrate, 12 cycles fixed, 4 cycles delay
ram = 0ch ;beginning of RAM register
#define happy
delaycntr ;bit dely counter
charcntr ;counter shows actual character of string
bitcntr ;counter shows actual bit of byte
xmitdata ;data to transmit
PC = 02h ;programcounter
PortA = 05h ;register 05h is PortA
#define TXD PortA,0 ;TXD line is bit 0 from Port A
#define c 03h,0 ;carry bit is bit 0 from status register
#define z 03h,2 ;zero bit is bit 2 from status register
; Remember to change device info if programming a different PIC. Do not use RC
; devices. Their clock speed is not sufficiently accurate or stable for serial
; communication.
begin movlw 0 ;move 0 to tristate register, set port to output.
tris PortA
clrf charcntr ;we start at the first character
send_byte movlw 8h ;Eight bits in a byte.
movwf bitcntr
call string ;Get character from string.
movwf xmitdata ;Put character into the transmit byte.
movf xmitdata,f ;test xmitdata on zero
btfsc z
goto endless ;do endless loop if xmitdata was zero
bsf TXD ;set TXD line, dirct connection
incf charcntr,f ;next position of string.
call bitdelay ;Start bit. ((delay * 4) + 4) cycles
xmit rrf xmitdata,f ;Rotate right moves data bits into
;carry, starting with bit 0.
btfsc c ;clear TXD if carry bit is set
bcf TXD
btfss c ;set TXD if carry bit is clear
bsf TXD
call bitdelay ;Data bit.
decfsz bitcntr,f ;Not eight bits yet? Send next data bit
goto xmit
bcf TXD ;clear TXD
call bitdelay ;Stop bit. ((delay * 4) + 4) cycles
call bitdelay ;Stop bit. ((delay * 4) + 4) cycles
goto send_byte ;goto send_byte if line feed is not send
endless goto endless ;Endless loop. Reset controller to run
;program again.
; To change the baud rate, substitute a new value for bitdelay at the beginning of
; this program.
bitdelay movlw delay ;this bitdelay delays ((delay * 4) + 4) cycles
movwf delaycntr
:loop nop
decfsz delaycntr,f
goto :loop ;this is an local loop
retlw 0
string movf charcntr,w
addwf PC,f ;String consisting of "Hello world"
;followed by a linefeed.
ifdef happy
space 2 ;2 blank lines to listfile
messg "I`m happy" ;message to listfile
space 2
retlw "Hello world",0ah,0ah ;string, two linefeeds
error "don`t worry, be happy !"
retlw 0dh,0 ;one cr, Zerobyte => stop sending